Krugman 2e Solutions Chapter 7 Zip _TOP_
The scope of the book is impressive, it even includes a chapter on the recent history of macroeconomic thought, with a great discussion of the macroeconomic policy during Great Depression, and since, doing a good job integrating the more
krugman 2e solutions chapter 7 zip
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The scope of the book is impressive, it even includes a chapter on the recent history of macroeconomic thought, with a great discussion of the macroeconomic policy during Great Depression, and since, doing a good job integrating the tools developed in earlier chapters. I don't recall seeing anything close to this in other intro to economics textbooks that I have seen. Individual topics are developed in sufficient depth, for instance the discussion of marginal benefit and marginal cost in chapter 6 is more detailed than in most of the other textbooks that I have seen. While the scope of the coverage is great, I couldn't find an index or a glossary of terms. Important terms are highlighted in the text, but I couldn't find a list of definitions to these.
The lack of recent updates is in my opinion the main weakness of the textbook. In most chapters it doesn't matter much, but for the discussion of monetary and fiscal policy it is important to point out that the discussion in the textbook ends with the immediate aftermath of the 2008 recession, thus is missing the more recent changes in the Fed's policy and recent developments. The book lacks a discussion of negative interest rates, Fed's growing balance sheet, and the recent increases in government debt and budget deficits. This seems not to have been updated since 2010.
For an economics textbook, the writing is easy to understand, which makes it accessible to a wide range of students, but may not be an ideal choice for a more advanced student who may prefer a more demanding text. I found many of the examples interesting and engaging, for instance the example of smokers being on net a positive externality in chapter 11, or the example of hockey teams maximizing profits in chapter 10.
Each chapter is organized in a few sections, each with its own learning objectives, examples, and a few questions to be answered. It seems easy to either pick a section from a chapter, or skip a section, without losing continuity. It seems effort was put into chapters being able to stand alone on their own, for instance there is a separate chapter (23) on economic growth, investment (29), and interest rate - loanable funds market (13).
As mentioned under Modularity, the book does a good job including many stand-alone chapters, but this creates a problem in organization. For instance it is difficult to make the connection among interest rates, investment, saving, consumption, and economic growth, as the coverage is spread across chapters 13, 23, and 29. There is a small sub-section (a little over a page) in section 29.1 explaining the relationships, but overall I had difficulties finding the main points among the detailed discussion. I could see students getting a bit lost in the detail presented, and not being able to clearly see the bigger picture.
This book includes all the usual principles topics, and then some. Want to talk about the effect of third-party payers in health care markets? Farm policy? Economies in transition? There's a chapter for each of these topics. Throughout, more
This book includes all the usual principles topics, and then some. Want to talk about the effect of third-party payers in health care markets? Farm policy? Economies in transition? There's a chapter for each of these topics. Throughout, there are references to important historical events, which I appreciate. The Great Depression, for example, is mentioned several times. Some depth is sacrificed, through, to hit on all of these topics. I did not see a glossary, which is a glaring omission for an introductory textbook. In-text problems, with solutions, and end-of-chapter problems are included.
I did not notice any inaccuracies. Perhaps this is more of an interface issue, but I did notice a problem with the formula for elasticity. At least in the online version I was reading from, equation 5.1 "did not parse." This could be a big issue for students trying to understand the elasticity chapter. However, students would also probably be better than I am at finding a format that works
I did not find many spots where I felt students would be confused, other than one spot in chapter 1, where a good is defined as "scarce" if it has alternative uses, such as air which we can either breathe or pollute. In other words, a good is scarce if it is limited. In contrast, a free good is not limited, like gravity. I find these examples (air and gravity, illustrating opposites) a little confusing particularly for chapter 1. If I were the author, I would avoid mention of free goods to emphasize that virtually everything is scarce. This is a minor issue, but I hate to see any issues so early in the book that might discourage later reading. In contrast, the section in this chapter on careers in economics is clear and engaging.
Generally speaking, the text follows the usual order, micro then macro. Personally, I would have rearranged the chapters a little. For example, I would probably use chapter 6 (consumer surplus, and deadweight loss) before chapter 4 (applications of supply and demand) so we can analyze deadweight loss from price controls. Also, the Keynesian Cross from chapter 28 goes before Aggregate Demand and Supply (chapter 22). But you can always cover in any order you want. The flow suffers a little from the choppy writing style and lack of depth I mentioned under Clarity. Perhaps students appreciate this more than I do, however.
This is a real strength of the text. New terms are highlighted in blue. The graphs and charts are colorful and easy-to-read. I only found a few issues from the online version that I read from. First the elasticity formula didn't come through, and one of the TryIt! problems in chapter 2 appears to be missing part of the table. There is reference to the production possibilities for Plant R and Plant S, and I only see a table for Plant R.
I like that instructors can easily pick and choose chapters, and the graphs and charts are colorful and engaging. Each chapter has TryIt! problems with answers, as well as end-of-chapter problems (both conceptual problems and numerical problems). The case-in-point articles are relevant but a bit dated. Will they be updated? Also, I just find it strange that the authors are "unnamed" or "anonymous." Is this common with OER textbooks? I just feel obligated to give credit where credit is due--I'm not sure I can put anonymous on my syllabus.
Chapter 16: Anti-trust Policy and Business Regulation should be brought forward and should read: Anti-trust Policy and Regulation - It is an Economics Text and not a Business Text. The normal flow in the Microeconomic Section is that once the Market Structure chapters are covered, the chapter on Anti-trust Policy and Regulation should follow.
On the Macroeconomics side, the flow between chapters 20 - 23 is a good one but I would suggest a re-arranging of the chapters so that Fiscal Policy Issues are addressed before the Monetary Policy Chapters. Therefore, the proposed re-arranging should be as follows: 1. Chapters 20 - 23 2. Chapter 31 3. Chapters 28, 29 and 27 4. Chapters 24,25, 26 and remaining chapters can then follow.
1. I found that the display in HTML version is a bit different from the PDF file. HTML has more space between paragraphs and sections whilst PDF file does not have space. The HTML format is better and easy to read.2. Inside each chapter, it has the section numbers which are missing in the Table of Contents. For example, in chapter 1, "Defining Economics" is section 1.1. It would be better to put back the section number 1.1 in the Table of Content as well.Other than the above, the text in each chapter has good sections and sub-units.
The topics in the text are presented in a logical and clear fashion. The organization/structure/flow are consistent and coherent.All chapters are organized in the same format by using colored text box, heading and sub-heading, highlighted text, and bullet point. Easy to read and follow.
1. As I have mentioned in 6 above, the PDF file does not space out appropriately and makes it hard to navigate through the text and go back to find text.2. The Table of Contents should include section number for each chapter. 3. The Table of Contents should be divided into Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.4. There is no glossary and index list at the end of the book.
Being a product of the Pleistocene epoch, I sometimes don't trust my online navigation skills. That said, after repeated attempts, I was unable to locate a glossary or index for this otherwise fine text. Assuming they don't exist, their absence is certainly not a deal-breaker. In my long and labored experience, nearly all college principles of economics texts really are pretty much interchangeable in terms of providing basic content. They are obligated to cover these basics if they intend to be even moderately useful. This text provides solid, competent, confident coverage of all the rudiments in a clear, useful, and even fun manner: Scarcity, Choice, Supply and Demand, Elasticity, Costs of Production, Market Structures, Aggregate Supply & Demand, Money & Banking, Blah, Blah, Blah. You get the idea. The chapter on Socialist Economies in Transition was an interesting and welcome addition to the usual list of topics. Another absolutely wonderful thing the text did was to address the students with respect. Specifically, the authors recognized and acknowledged that the vast majority of students in college are there to gain knowledge and/or a degree that will help them provide for themselves and their families (present or future). Few texts in any discipline make even vague reference to what should be an obvious reality of their end customers' worlds. Most college texts authors ignore such tawdry issues out of a misplaced concern for sullying the purity of their disciplines with such pedestrian and base concerns. Also, I suspect, many of them are annoyed by the realization that what they teach (or how they teach) is of little practical value. Whoa! Where-the-heck did all THAT come from?!? Apparently someone's little "soapbox" button got pushed. Meanwhile, back to the topic at hand: Libby Rittenberg & Timothy Tregarthen are rare and refreshing exceptions to the norm. They go on at length about Careers in Economics, Application of Economics to Other Fields, LSAT Scores and Undergraduate Majors (Economics majors rank quite well), and Starting Salaries of Economists vs other Professionals (again, not-so-bad). If they had been in the room as I read these sections, I would have kissed them squarely on the lips.